Attending GDC (Game Developers Conference) in 2023, I felt like a YouTuber at the Cannes festival… but in 2008. A humorous moment was when I asked a Twitch analytics provider about their metrics and their utility for my campaigns. He looked at me with a condescending tone and said, “You develop on Roblox? Ah, my nephew makes games on Roblox and told me he was earning money with one.” He explained that since Twitch categorizes influencers by Amazon’s game codes, Roblox was just another game to him and couldn’t break the audiences down by experience. This led me to two conclusions: first, his software was completely useless for what I needed, and second, his nephew had a brighter future in the video game industry than he did.

Just as on YouTube, where one with their Gmail account can watch and upload videos, and where uploading a family video is not the same as being a YouTuber with millions of views, on Roblox, with the same account, you can play and create in Roblox Studio. Cualquier persona en el mundo con una computadora y una cuenta de Roblox puede llevar su imaginación al límite y construir mundos increíbles. Sin embargo, ser un entusiasta no equivale a ser un desarrollador profesional o crear audiencias en Roblox.

What makes Roblox unique is that it’s flipping the video game industry on its head, moving from a development model based on heavy investments and payrolls to creative youths in their rooms, applying their creativity and marketing skills to promote an idea they believe can be entertaining. Both the established companies and the up-and-comers are competing for the attention of players.

I experienced a similar shift while working in television. En 2008, YouTube era percibido como una plataforma para videos casuales de mascotas y bromas, despreciado por no poder competir con el contenido “profesional” de la televisión. Desafortunadamente, pasé la última década de mi carrera compitiendo con YouTube, ya que sin lugar a dudas se convirtió en el medio que captó la mayor atención e ingresos publicitarios de los espectadores. one single person can almost make nothing but millions of creators competing each other for capturing the attention of the people and improving their skills everyday can change a whole industry, this is what the creator’s economy is about and this is what Roblox is about.

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