Blog: Roblox For Brands

The first blog about developing branded experiences on Roblox, written by developers for brands and marketers. Here you will find valuable insights and tips to enhance your expertise in developing branded activations on the platform.


BrandNewVerse.101: Mastering Branded Experiences

All that a brand wishing to enter the platform needs to know about Roblox: from demographic data and comparison with other platforms like Fortnite or Minecraft, to the cost of a Branded Experience, entry strategies for the platform, or how to determine the ROI of your actions on Roblox. Access over 40 pages of insights and data for marketers seeking entry into the platform to engage with Gen Z and Alpha audiences. Click here to complete the form and gain access to the file.



Global Means Global for Everyone

Unlike other audiovisual platforms where language itself is a natural segmentation tool, Roblox automatically translates into 16 languages, which can then be manually curated. In our case, we...

Roblox is like “the youtube of videogames”

Attending GDC (Game Developers Conference) in 2023, I felt like a YouTuber at the Cannes festival... but in 2008. A humorous moment was when I asked a Twitch analytics provider about their metrics...

How long does a Roblox project last?

A brand experience takes longer than an integration into an existing game, a virtual store, or developing avatar items. And an experience with 5 maps inspired by a cartoon series that requires the...

Influencers Influence in your Experience

One of the first lessons you'll learn when diving into Roblox is the significant role that platform-specific influencers play in the discovery of your experience. Many developers invest a lot of...

Metaverse is real, and it’s played on Mobile

For all of us in this field, the Metaverse “Pump & Dump” has been quite misleading. When we started BrandNewVerse, people asked why we weren't making NFTs and earning big money instead of focusing...

Roblox as a Content Generator Tool

When we are asked about the "Buyer Persona" for the services we offer, believe us, there's not a straightforward answer because it revolves around three types of professionals who see value in the...

Your Avatar is Your Identity on Roblox

One aspect we spend a lot of time emphasizing when speaking with potential clients or agencies is the importance of the avatar to Roblox users. I don't know why, as adults we understand the...

Choosing the Best Entry Strategy into Roblox

BrandnewVerse.101: Mastering Branded Experiences (Launching your brand on Roblox)   You've made the decision to venture into Roblox, you're scouting for developers to brief, and as you're drafting...

Roblox is a Social Network 3.0

BrandnewVerse.101: Mastering Branded Experiences (Understanding Roblox)   Attending GDC in 2023, I felt like a YouTuber at the Cannes festival... but in 2008. A humorous moment was when I asked a...


BrandNewVerse.101: Roblox for Brands

Introducing Roblox for Brands   As a studio specializing in developing branded experiences on Roblox, we dedicate a significant portion of our time to evangelizing and explaining the platform to...

Mango and BrandNewVerse to enter Roblox

The company has launched its inaugural virtual store in the Outfit Shopping Mall on Roblox. Users can purchase Mango Teen digital garments for their avatars. Teaming up with digital partner...


Global Means Global for Everyone

Unlike other audiovisual platforms where language itself is a natural segmentation tool, Roblox automatically translates into 16 languages, which can then be manually curated. In our case, we...

Roblox is like “the youtube of videogames”

Attending GDC (Game Developers Conference) in 2023, I felt like a YouTuber at the Cannes festival... but in 2008. A humorous moment was when I asked a Twitch analytics provider about their metrics...

How long does a Roblox project last?

A brand experience takes longer than an integration into an existing game, a virtual store, or developing avatar items. And an experience with 5 maps inspired by a cartoon series that requires the...

Influencers Influence in your Experience

One of the first lessons you'll learn when diving into Roblox is the significant role that platform-specific influencers play in the discovery of your experience. Many developers invest a lot of...

Metaverse is real, and it’s played on Mobile

For all of us in this field, the Metaverse “Pump & Dump” has been quite misleading. When we started BrandNewVerse, people asked why we weren't making NFTs and earning big money instead of focusing...

Why Gen Alpha Spends on Roblox Looks

Why do kids ask for money to buy clothes in a game? Generation Alpha makes us question many things, and virtual fashion is one of the topics that other generations find hardest to...

How Roblox Chat Translation Unites Players

What if you could talk with the entire world population without worrying about translation? That is what Roblox's new feature makes possible Roblox just launched automatic chat...

Roblox and TikTok, home of Gen Z and Alpha

More than 60% of Roblox users were born after 1997, exactly the same as TikTok. Both platforms allow the new generations to express themselves in the most authentic and organic way, which creates...